3 Valuable Hints For Maintaining Your Air CON
Want to lower your energy consumption without raising your temperature? All you need to do is create a strategy for properly maintaining your air conditioning system. Your AC is an important part of keeping your home comfortable for you and your family, but a lot of people fail to give these tools the attention and care that they deserve.
Just like any other mechanical device, an air conditioner needs regular maintenance if it’s going to perform at it’s peak. That means regularly checking the filters, coils, fins and other components to ensure that everything is running as it should be. Here are some quick tips to help you make the most of your air conditioning system.
Change your Filters Regularly
Changing the filters is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways that you can improve the performance of your air conditioning system, and make sure that it lasts for as long as possible. Think back to the last time you changed the filters on your unit. If it was more than 1-3 months ago for a set of disposable filters, then you should be investing in some new filtration straight away.
If you’re checking your unit in the middle of allergy season, or you have pets in your home, then you may even need to change your filters more often. Speak to an AC expert if you’re not sure how regularly you need to clean out your system.
Clean your Condensing Units and Outdoor Equipment
A lot of air conditioners come with outdoor condensing units and heat pumps that sit outside with a fan that helps with dispersing heat during the summer. The fins on your condensing unit can easily get clogged with pollen, dirt and grime if you don’t pay attention to them, however. Once per season, it’s a good idea to spray the unit with a water hose to make sure that it’s clean.
While you’re cleaning your air conditioning unit, spend some time getting rid of any overgrown vegetation and leaves that might have gathered around the external components too. Remember to trim bushes back so that there’s plenty of space around your fan on all sides. This will reduce your risk of your external unit getting clogged.
Check Your Drain Pan and Drainpipe
If you’re not sure where your drainpipe is located for your air conditioning unit, have a service technician tell you where to find it. Once you’ve done that, you can make sure that your system is clear of any blockages like mould or algae. Depending on how much debris you have to deal with, it might be a good idea to invest in a wet-dry vacuum that you can use to clear the piping regularly.
However, there is an alternative option if you have a hard time cleaning the inner workings of your HVAC unit and keeping in an excellent condition. You can always consider hiring a professional to come out and conduct some preventative maintenance on your behalf every 6 months or so. Though you’ll still need to change the filters and do some routine cleaning yourself, having some professional support for your HVAC maintenance keeps your risk of serious issues to an absolute minimum.